Palo Santo: Means Holy Wood, and originates from the native Indians in South America. Centuries ago they already used it during ceremonies to clear the aura and to heal from negative influences. In Europe too, people choose to buy the holy wood to clean their houses or just for the fragrances in its purest form.
Palo Santo - Large Packet - 12>15 Sticks
Description :
The Palo Santo wood is supplied to us and originates from Peru and Ecuador. The local government checks the harvest of the wood. The trees are scarce and therefore they are not cut down. It's taken only from the wood of fallen trees to reap and sell.
Between 12 to 15 Sticks per pack.
Self Cleansing - Spiritual Cleansing - Purify Home - Removal of Negative Energy - Meditation - Yoga.
Pure Incense - Non Toxic - Vegan.