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7 Chakra Rituals : 

Base Chakra : Located at the base of the spine, controls instincts and is responsible for physical strength, bodily health. 

Sacral Chakra : located about 3 cm below the navel. It is responsible for sexuality, creativity, emotions.

Solar Chakra :  In the area of the solar plexus. It stimulates the inner power, strengthens the intellect.

Heart Chakra : Responsible for love and relationships. with loved ones.

Throat Chakra : Affecting communication, speech, clarity of message, self-expression.

The Third Eye : It is the source of intuition, connects the body with the spirit.

The Crown Chakra : located just above the top of the head, is a  channel for spiritual life, it connects you with the universe.

7 Chakra : Ritual Candles

  • 7 Chakra Ritual Candles

    Chakra relating to the energy centres within the human body, will aid you to achieve a calmer inner peace and balance.

    Box Set : 7

    Size : 12 x 5 x 1cm 


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